September 29, 2012

Working With Shadows

The logical course of action after finishing lighting is to move on to shadows. I opted for a relatively simple, software-based approach. It involves casting rays from the light source to individual edges of the tiles in the collision map, and drawing black quads based on the rays.

In my current implementation, the shadows are independent of the other lights. Thus, shadows cast by one light will be left untouched if there is another light in the way. This obviously causes problems, and a better method that will calculate cumulative shadows is currently in progress. But for a single light, the following algorithm suffices. Hopefully some OpenGL beginners trying to create shadows can gain some knowledge from my own trial-and-error!

The steps are as follows:
  • Determine the light position.
  • Cast a ray from the light to the first vertex (top-left point)
  • Calculate slope and extend the ray, so instead of it being from the light to the vertex, it goes from the vertex to some really distant value.
  • Keep this ray for later (I'll call it TopLeft later).

  • Repeat this process for each vertex, so you get 4 rays, which I'll call TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, and BottomLeft in the example code below.

  • Now that we have determined the sectors for shading, we test to see which quads are necessary to fill. This is not shown in the diagrams, but in practice, if the light is above the tile, the sector created by the TopLeft and TopRight rays will cut across the tile itself, which is obviously undesirable. The following must be true:
    • TopLeft.Start.y < LightPos.y     Draw quad
    • TopRight.Start.x > LightPos.x    : Draw quad
    • BottomRight.Start.y > LightPos.y : Draw quad
    • BottomLeft.Start.x < LightPos.x  : Draw quad

    • Draw the quads with whatever rendering method you wish, be it using glBegin()/glEnd(), glDrawArrays(), FBOs, or what have you.
    Here is some C++ example source code using immediate mode rendering. CRay2 is just a class containing two CVector2's, which basically are an (x, y) coordinate pair. There is a minor bug with this method, when the LightPos.x is equal to the Ray.Start.x value, the shadow is not created as intended. When I find a fix, I'll update this code. If anyone has a fix, feel free to comment below.

    September 21, 2012

    Let There Be Light!

    "And George said unto Collapse, "let there be light," and there was, and George saw that it was good."

    Edit (2.1.2012): My lighting shader has changed quite a bit since this post; I opted for a multi-pass shader, rather than maxing out the shader variables.

    After several weeks of reading about shaders, learning GLSL, learning about lighting, observing other projects, finally writing my own, and spending hours debugging, tweaking, and improving, it's finally done. My shader supports multiple lights, and gets re-written on the fly to support larger and larger amounts, due to GLSL loop limitations. Whenever I want to increase the amount of lights I use, I merely say:

        LightingShader.SetMacro("NUM_LIGHTS", ++lights);

    Which will then re-write, re-compile, and re-link the shader with a new light count. Though I was considering not releasing the shader source code, here it is anyway:

    #define MAX_LIGHTS 10 // Re-written on the fly
    * @file
    * Fragment shader for lighting.
    * Per-pixel point light lighting is done in this shader.
    * @author me
    * @addtogroup Shaders
    * @{
    uniform sampler2D tex; // Active texture
    uniform int scr_height; // Screen height
    uniform vec2 light_pos[MAX_LIGHTS]; // Light position
    uniform vec3 light_col[MAX_LIGHTS]; // Light color
    uniform vec3 light_att[MAX_LIGHTS]; // Light attenuation
    uniform float light_brt[MAX_LIGHTS]; // Light brightness
    void main()
    vec2 pixel = gl_FragCoord.xy;
    pixel.y = scr_height - pixel.y;
    vec3 lights;
    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; ++i)
    vec2 light_vec = light_pos[i] - pixel;
    float dist = length(light_vec);
    float att = 1.0 / ( light_att[i].x +
    (light_att[i].y * dist) +
    (light_att[i].z * dist * dist));
    lights += light_col[i] * att * light_brt[i];
    vec4 texel = texture2D(tex, gl_TexCoord[0].st) * gl_Color;
    gl_FragColor = texel * vec4(lights, 1.0);
    /** @} */
    view raw Lighting.c hosted with ❤ by GitHub
    Here are some screen-shots of lighting:

    Original shader - one light (in-game)

    Final shader - multiple lights (test zone)