July 13, 2012

Levels in Collapse

Collapse is the first game I've ever made that actually required levels, so it was quite interesting figuring out how to approach level design, loading, and storage. I definitely had to create some sort of level editor in order to easily design levels. Eventually, after much consideration, I decided that the easiest way to approach level handling would be to split every level into 4 basic components: Terrain, Collision, AI, and Game-Logic. 


This map is pretty self-explanatory. It's stored with a .ctm extension (Collapse Terrain Map) and contains information about all the tiles on the map. Currently, since my artwork is fairly limited in the tile department, there are only two tiles available for placement: a floor and a wall. I knew that I'd be expanding later, and I couldn't bear to have a massive switch statement for every single type of file. So, I wrote a quick Python script to gather information about which tile images were available to use in the level, and then stored it in a file call ValidNames.dat. The script is really simple, since I have a special folder dedicated to files, it's pretty easy to find them all:


Having a separate map for collision makes it so I don't need to store which map tiles are passable and which aren't, and it also allows for more flexibility in terms of destroying tiles for any given reason. For example, when the player fires the tank weapons, if they make contact with the collision map, the collision tile contacted is removed and the terrain tile is changed to a "broken" version. The map is stored as a .ccm file (Collapse Collision Map) and just contains x, y coordinates of 32x32 tiles representing impassable areas.


Now you may wonder, why would you need a map for AI? Well, after trying some basic path-finding techniques, A* in particular, I found that I could not do it efficiently enough. Plus, it would mean that all enemies were informed of the player's location, thus always swarming towards him.  So then I decided to opt for a "line-of-sight" approach, but there was way too much collision detection going on due to diagonal lines creating insanely large amounts of rectangles to check collisions with. Even after optimization, it was still ridiculously slow. So, now I've decided that enemies will patrol certain areas, following a predetermined path, and upon making line-of-sight contact with the player (using a much more efficient vector math approach rather than raw line-rectangle collision), turn to a more aggressive path-finding approach to destroy the player. 


This map, which is still unimplemented, will contain information such as light sources, player spawn-locations, enemy spawn-locations, start/end level markers, maybe some sort of scripted event triggers, and other things that don't fit into the other categories.

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